密 码(password):
VPN Connection
Please close the VPN Client and then Logoff !

修改密码||Change Password
网络使用查询||Query Fee

添加此连接到收藏夹||Add To Favorite



1. 打开网络浏览器(如:IE),输入任意网址,系统将弹出登陆窗口,输入您的用户名和密码,即可接入Internet。
2. 上网用户名为您入住的房间号,密码请拨 "66" 与服务中心联系,首次登录后请更改您的密码。
3. 结束使用时,请点击屏幕下方隐蔽的对话框注销。

1. 客房:每帐户0.5元/分钟,每天累积消费达到80元封顶。(计时点为每日中午 14:00--次日中午14:00)。
2. 商务中心: 1.0元/分钟。


The step
1. Click the Internet Browser and input any web page address, the Login Dialog Box will appear. Input your username and password, and then you are connected.
2. The "username" is your room number and for the "password" please contact the StarService Center with button "66" .We suggest you change your password immediately.
3. Please click the Logout Window for exit.

The charge
1. Guest Room: It will be charged for 0.5 RMB per minute and the daily maximal charge will be capped at 80 RMB. (14:00 PM -14:00 PM).
2. Business Center: 1.0 RMB/minute.


Please don’t browse or download any content from those websites violating relevant regulations of PRC.

电话:86 10 82685388